Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Has Sprung

The semester is almost over and we are down to the wire. I have a couple classes left and then we head into finals. Grades are holding steady and I should be able to pull at least a B+/A- from every class for this semester. I was worried coming back from being out of school for so long that I wouldn't be able to cut it and hold my own with college life. But then again my perspective is slightly altered. I am coming back with career goals in mind. I know exactly what I want, whereas most students come in not having a clue what they want to do or where they're headed. Of course, I won't be attending the summer, but that won't be a vacation for me either. I plan on working all throughout the summer so I can take it easy, financially, during the fall.

I have actually enjoyed all of my classes, especially my writing classes, English and Media Writing. Psychology was not as hard as I thought it might have been. And Algebra, well, I have always done well in my math classes. It is the ONLY class that I actually have a final exam in. That bad boy is a comprehensive final exam that is worth 150 points. Two ways to look at it: 1. either there is a lot of material I might forget, which will make me mess up the final; or 2. there are a lot of problems that I will answer right and that some of the problems I am not sure on, I can leave blank and not worry. Either way, I have gotten a bunch of my general education requirements out of the way and can focus on my foreign languages, history classes, and major core classes from here on out. Hopefuully, I will continue to see all of you around campus. Have a killer summer and Go Tigers!

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