Monday, August 25, 2008

Ha Ha!!! Fall Has Returned!!!

What's up kids? Fall 08 has finally arrived and I am thrilled to death. A chance to reconnect with friends absent because of Summer Vacation, meet new people, and bug the hell out of my teachers. It's amazing! I am almost 34 years old and I STILL bug the hell out of my teachers. LOL, that's great.

To anyone reading this blog, I wish you much success and happiness this semester, now, get the hell out of here and go the f*** to class. :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Consolidation May Not Be The Key...

Smart City Memphis blog writer and Memphis Magazine columnist, Tom Jones, came to the University of Memphis to speak today about the topic of consolidation between the City of Memphis and Shelby County Governments.

He told the crowd that one of the biggest myths about government consolidation is that it saves a great deal of money. Jones said this simply isn't true for the most part. He did say that if any money is saved, it is at the administration level, but that it wouldn't be enough to make a difference. He pointed to Louisville, KY having a successful consolidation and that Nashville also successfully consolidated its city and county governments. For Nashville, however, that was about 45 years ago that they consolidated and that it has taken most of that time for improvements to show. Heavy proponents for city and county consolidation may be looking at it as a "quick fix" to the city's and county's budget problems.

Under Tennessee state law, for consolidation to pass and become a reality, it must be voted in with a dual majority, meaning that it must pass within the City of Memphis as well as pass outside the city. Also, when or if the governments consolidate, state law likewise says that the school systems must merge. Some within the Shelby County School system are vehemently opposed to that idea.

Jones offered a suggestion that could be seen as a compromise to consolidation. Memphis City Government would be responsible for services that are inclusive to the upkeep of the city, i.e. Fire Services, Police Services, and Waste Management Services, while Shelby County Government would be responsible for all other services.

Another topic discussed was school consolidation in which Jones revealed a great idea, from Mayor Herenton of all people. The idea is to split the very large school district of 150,000 students into 5 smaller sub-districts of about 30,000 students each. Each sub-district will be appointed a superintendent and these 5 superintendents will report to the school board and an elected "Grand Poohbah" superintendent. Actually a VERY good idea. Maybe this idea will come to fruition even if Herenton is not appointed superintendent of Memphis City Schools.

Learned a lot about this topic today. Wendy, are you sure I can't change my topic?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Summer Movie Blowout (Part 2)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the theater...2008 will unveil some of the coolest movies and will drop some of the biggest BOMBS! Ha ha. Previously, I talked about summer blockbusters and comedies. Now, I will cover the Animated movies, horror, and thrillers that will make your kids laugh and make you cry.

Animated Movies: Your Kids Will Bug You To Death

Wall*E (from Disney and PIXAR), Kung Fu Panda (from Dreamworks), Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (this belongs in 2 categories...animation and comedy), Space Chimps, and Batman:Gotham Knight (straight to DVD).

Horror and Thriller Movies: Speaking of Death! Don't spill your popcorn on me!

One Missed Call (Warner Bros.), Diary of the Dead, The Signal (POP Films), Shutter (Fox), The Ruins (Paramount), Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Universal), The Changeling (Universal), and Day of the Dead (remake).

Summer Movie Blowout

There is no shortage of Summer blockbusters, romantic comedies, horror films, animated movies and thrillers. A varitable cornucopia of cinematic goodies will be unveiled during the upcoming summer months. Here is a category-by-category list of what's coming out; I didn't even know some of these ideas were even in the works:

Summer Blockbusters: The Superheroes are taking over!!

Iron Man, The Dark Knight(sequel to Batman Begins), The Incredible Hulk (a remake of the remake), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Jesus, Harrison, enough already!), The X Files: I Want to Believe (The Truth Is Out There, Again), Speed Racer, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emporer.


War, Inc., Baby Mama, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Made of Honor, and my personal favorite...SEX AND THE CITY. Whew! About damn time girls.

...More movies to come ;)

Spring Has Sprung

The semester is almost over and we are down to the wire. I have a couple classes left and then we head into finals. Grades are holding steady and I should be able to pull at least a B+/A- from every class for this semester. I was worried coming back from being out of school for so long that I wouldn't be able to cut it and hold my own with college life. But then again my perspective is slightly altered. I am coming back with career goals in mind. I know exactly what I want, whereas most students come in not having a clue what they want to do or where they're headed. Of course, I won't be attending the summer, but that won't be a vacation for me either. I plan on working all throughout the summer so I can take it easy, financially, during the fall.

I have actually enjoyed all of my classes, especially my writing classes, English and Media Writing. Psychology was not as hard as I thought it might have been. And Algebra, well, I have always done well in my math classes. It is the ONLY class that I actually have a final exam in. That bad boy is a comprehensive final exam that is worth 150 points. Two ways to look at it: 1. either there is a lot of material I might forget, which will make me mess up the final; or 2. there are a lot of problems that I will answer right and that some of the problems I am not sure on, I can leave blank and not worry. Either way, I have gotten a bunch of my general education requirements out of the way and can focus on my foreign languages, history classes, and major core classes from here on out. Hopefuully, I will continue to see all of you around campus. Have a killer summer and Go Tigers!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Summer Time is Comin'

I am looking forward to the summer break. Some guys and gals I know will be taking courses during the summer, but not I. I will be focused on working all summer long, perhaps getting a second job. My goal is to go on leave from my job during the Fall 08 semester. Save up enough money so that I will be ok during that time. And in the event of a financial crunch or emergency during the Fall semester, I can simply return to work. I would love to find one job making really good money rather than taking on 2 jobs that make ok or slightly less than ok money. And I know me. I will horde money the whole summer and when the Fall semester comes, I will walk into my manager's office and hand her a leave of absence form. But still, I am a little jealous of all those who will be going to exotic places during the summer, like Hawaii, Amsterdam and Chicago. Ok, not so much jealous of the Chicago-bound person.

I will probably take a few days off during the summer and go to South Beach in Florida. I will ejoy walking along the beaches and maybe I will see a celebrity or two. And if I don't, oh well, no biggie. I just want to have some fun this summer. Hopefully some of my college friends will be able to get together if they aren't off all over the country during the summer. Maybe I'll have a John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John "summer lovin" moment this summer. Either way, I wish you all to have the most wonderful summer and come back safely so I can see you punks in the Fall. \m/ >.< \m/

The Debate Still Rages...Stem Cell Research

My friend Jarron is doing his argumentative research paper on the benefits of stem cell research. Not much has been said about stem cell research within the last seven years. When Bush took office, you know when his approval ratings were high, he condemned stem cell research. Stem cells are seen by many researchers as having virtually unlimited application in the treatment and cure of many human diseases and disorders including Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, strokes, etc. Stem cells come in two general types:
1. Embryonic stem cells
2. Adult stem cells

Many pro-lifers believe that human life begins at the time of fertilization and that killing an embryo in order to extract its stem cells is a form of homicide. Usually, they are adamantly opposed to such research. Others disagree. They believe that an embryo has the potential to develop into a person, but is not a person itself. They say that an embryo is not sentient; it has no brain, sensory organs, ability to think, awareness of its surroundings, consciousness, internal organs, arms, legs, head, etc. They feel that research using stem cells derived from embryos is ethical.

Whichever side of the debate you happen to be on, you cannot deny the vast potential held within the use of embryonic and adult stem cells. Since the main issue in the debate is whether or not an embryo is actual human life or is a blank slate on which human life is drawn, the first step in stem cell research would seem to be to settle this portion of the debate, if it is not already settled.

Friday, April 11, 2008

It's Not A Lot, But To Some It Means The World

Today, Dr Pete Gathje of Emmanuel House Manna, located at 1268 Jefferson Ave. He spoke today about the homeless problems abroad in the the United States as well as right here in Memphis. He gave those in attendance a brief overview of the facts and figures involved with homelessness. One important fact that hit close to home was that 58.6% of those living in the Southern Black Belt are actually working but cannot afford the basic necessities of life. Therefore, if these people are not already homeless, they soon will be. Gathje gave us a definition of homelessness. It is a condition in which a person "lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence." He pointed out that there are two types of homelessness, temporary (people who have only been homeless for a few months) and chronic (people who have spent years in a state of homelessness).
He also spoke to us about the Memphis Center City Commission and that their grand solution for the homeless problem in Memphis is to criminalize the homeless and lock them away rather than attempt to help them. One of their associate organizations, Partners for the Homeless, does some good things, but they fully support the Center City Commission's criminalization of the homeless. Some partner. With a friend like that, I don't think I would need an enemy. Next, Dr. Pete spoke about the Union Mission on Poplar Aveenue near the intersection of Danny Thomas Blvd. They charge the homeless $6.00 to stay there and require the homeless person provide an ID and be fingerprinted (because of their cooperation with the Center City Commission's criminalization efforts. The Union Mission also makes religious worship a part of their requirements for someone to stay there.
These three places seem to be nothing more than dens of oppression rather than places that help people. Gathje explained the work being done at Emmanuel House Manna. As he puts it, they do not do all that much. But I am pretty sure that if Manna House had to close for whatever reason, it would damage the lives of those who seek their help. Yes, they may only be providing a place where someone can grab a quick shower, a cup of coffee and some socks and hygiene products, but to those who come there, it really means the world to them that they have even that much.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

From Nixon To Bush 2.0; Why Has No One Gotten Health Care Right?

There were problems on the horizon before Richard Nixon even took office. However, with each passing Presidential Administration, no one has been able to come up with a solid plan for health care reform. The bad part is that the system of health care in this country is getting progressively worse with each passing year. It would be easier for the politicians if the system would stay the way it is at this very moment and allowed them to find time and a way to reverse the damage already inflicted on Americans. But, as it is, the problem is constantly worsening and we are falling farther and farther behind. Our country is on the verge of a recession, that is if we are not already there.The value of a dollar is the lowest it has ever been even if we do operate on a credit standard, rather than a gold standard.

Other politicians, such as Senators and House of Representative members are not coming up with any new solutions either. It is almost as if they are relying squarely on the President to come up with a health care plan, if he or she can, and if they don't like the President's plan, they dump it in the crapper. For example, see Nixon and Clinton's health care plans, respectively. Reagan relied on Health and Human Services Secretary Otis Bowen to come up with solutions to the nation's health care problems and Bowen's solutions would have seriously undermined Reagan's domestic policies. George W. Bush also has been unable to devise a health care plan that provides adequate and affordable coverage to the Americans who need it most. For those Presidents who actually have created a possible health care plan, none of the plans have been successful. This is almost as bad as not even attempting to come up with a plan.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mass Depression Grips The U of M Campus

Less than a minute and a half to go in the college basketball championship game and the Memphis Tigers choked on a really big bone. With a final score of 75 to 68, the Kansas Jayhawks ripped victory and a national title right out of the paws of John Calipari's Tiger's.

And it was quite evident that they lost. Walking through the campus today, I could help but notice the hung-low heads of students and faculty from Walker to Central and Patterson to Zach Curlin. Every square inch of the University of memphis campus was littered with dejected students and faculty members. Yet, none of my classes were cancelled damn it! And the campus was only partially full. Many students didn't even show up to class today. And I am sure that most of the instructors didn't even bother to take role in class. Time will heal all wounds and the University and its students and faculty will have to resume life as usual. Mainly because life must go on.

"It will probably hit me like a ton of bricks tomorrow, that we had it in our grasp," Calipari said. "Ten seconds to go, we're thinking we're national champs, all of a sudden a kid makes a shot, and we're not," said the Tiger's head coach.

So, what is next for John Calipari? Most likely, he will return as the head coach for the men's basketball team. He did such a phenomenal job taking the Tigers all the way to the NCAA championship game that I can't imagine that the University of Memphis wouldn't have him back next year to do it all over again. This time with one small difference (we win the game). Calipari is a history-making college basketball coach nevertheless and fans realize that. No one is blaming Calipari for the loss and no one blames the Tiger's players either. Excitement gripped them for a moment and paralyzed their judgment and actions as it would do to any reasonable people.

There is always next year. Go Tigers!

Monday, April 7, 2008

"Take Your Stinkin' Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape"- Charleton Heston 1924-2008

Over the weekend, we lost more than an actor and political activist. A wife lost her husband; a man and a woman lost their father; and three children lost their grandfather. Charlton Heston died Saturday at his Beverly Hills home, suffering from the late stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Best known for his roles in The Ten Commandments (1956), Ben Hur (1959),Planet of the Apes (1968), and Tombstone (1993), Heston was a very versatile actor. His range was wide, preventing him from being type-cast into a single genre of movies; a very important asset for an actor.

In addition to acting, Heston was a political activist. Probably best remembered as the President of the National Rifle Association (NRA) from 1998 to 2002, Heston was also an activist for civil rights as well. Many may not remember, or simply don't know, Heston joined civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and attended the 1963 March on Washington, standing very nearby while King delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech.

Heston was a controversial figure during his presidency of the NRA, but whether people agreed with him or disagreed, they could never say that his heart wasn't in it. He was always very passionate when speaking, as well as when acting. Born John Charles Carter, the man whom we all came to know as Charlton Heston will be missed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Can't Say That I Disagree With All Fallacies

As an Advertising major, I will probably use a great deal of fallacies to successfully produce advertising campaigns for my clients. It may not be pretty, but it is my chosen career field and what I will have to do if I want to be successful. I consider myself a creative person, though. Perhaps I will be able to come up with new ways to sell products and services and not have to rely on existing fallacies. Then again, my new techniques, if any, may just be an update to the already long list of fallacies that exist. Who knows?

Don't get me wrong, when it comes to writing, especially persuasive writing, this should be one area where facts and figures reign and fallacies are thrown in the dungeon, unless the fallacy is used constructively to further the story. Some fallacies are best used in fictional works. Non-fiction should always be fallacy-free. Appropriate fallacies for fictional stories and events would most likely be: "changing the subject," "either-or," "hasty generalization," and "Occam's Razor."
These can often be used to throw the reader off course, particularly in mysteries and psychological thrillers. But the best way to write persuasively and in a non-fictional manner would be to follow the often used phrase from Dragnet's Sgt. Joe Friday: "Just the facts maam!" By just dealing with adequately established facts and figures, the writer gives the reader the necessary tools to make an informed, educated determination about the topic.

"I'm Not Ready To Back Down..."

It's funny, because I chose the Dixie Chicks to write a hero defense statement about. I don't idolize them but I do very much support them and did so when they first were villafied. As I said in class, some people have said, in their own defense of trying to crucify the trio of very talented country singers, that fans don't want to know what they think about the President and the war in Iraq, or any other political topic that comes up.

Well, that's crap. Because if the people didn't want to know these opinions, then TV Guide channel wouldn't have their reporters out on the red carpet at award shows asking artists and actors what they think. Joan and Melissa Rivers would never ask "So, what do you think of the President's search for weapons of mass destruction?" immediately following the asking of whose dress, shoes, and jewelry the celebrity was wearing. It was purely situational. At the time the Dixie Chicks came out and made their political beliefs known, the President's approval ratings were a lot higher than they are now. If the trio were to come out on TV tomorrow and make the same statement that they did years ago, they would be cheered and statues would be erected in their honor. WTF???

Personally, I think all of those who jeered and demonized the Dixie Chicks should pay them a written and public apology. We will start with an apology from Toby Keith and then move on to George W. Bush. After Bush apologizes to the Chicks, he can turn and apologize to all of us as well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It Just Can't Be Swept Under The Rug; But We Can't Keep Tripping Over It Either

Read the Radicalicious article by LaToya Peterson. I have pretty clear viewpoints on this topic and as some of my classmates saw today, I do not lean toward either side, black or white, of a discussion on racial tension or hatred. What happened with slavery was an attrocity. No human being has the right to buy or sell another human being, period. The fact that it happened, not only in our history, but in other cultures and civilizations, is simply disgusting. But you have two choices: either dwell negatively on this issue (inviting hatred, disdain and chaos to breed until it is out of control), or dwell positively on this issue (working toward letting go of the past and preserving the memory of how it happened so as to not let it happen again).

Who is allowed to talk about issues of racism?
White people say Black people talk about it too much and Black people say White people shouldn't talk about it at all. The reality is that if racism exists between two or more races, then ALL races involved are allowed to talk about it. Hell, talking about it is the first step in letting go of it. Many people take a very "elephant in the corner of the room" approach to it. They think if it is never discussed, it will just go away quietly. NEWS FLASH: It ain't gonna happen that way!

What is the difference between "forgiving" and "forgetting?"
Simply put, "forgiving" is acknowledging that someone did something wrong to you and,whether or not you are still going to preserve an amicable relationship with the person, letting go of the hostility that was born out of the misdeed. "Forgetting" is simply the act of not remembering what happened. Not a wise course of action. Forgiving should happen because it is less stressful on your mind and emotions than to continually hate all the time. But, never forget the tragedy, because you can learn from it and develop ways to detect a similar pattern of behavior or events that could lead up to it again, thereby stopping it before it happens again.

What does "cotton pickin" mean to me?
I never really considered its racial context before because I never heard it used as such. Or at least I didn't think I did. I know that my mother and grandmother used it occasionally as an adjective. "Keep your 'cotton pickin' hands off those cookies until after dinner," I would hear either of them say. Or, "Get your 'cotton pickin' ass in this house," when I was out playing with friends and it was time to come home. Honestly, if they used it racially, I was unaware of it. Now, my grandmother was raised in a very racist fashion and she raised my mother that way, though again, I don't know whether or not she meant to do it. Later in her life, very shortly before her death, my grandmother told me that she had not always lived as she would have wanted. When I asked her what she meant, she told me that if there was one thing she could go back and change about her life, it would be that she would be more tolerant, understanding, and loving toward all minorities, which she had not been most of her life. This helped to alter my perception of people. I tell people that something great came out of my mother's and grandmother's racist behaviors: I didn't develop them. I am devoid of hate for an individual based on their skin color. I can hate or otherwise dislike a person based on their personality or something horribly wrong they did to me or a close loved one, but I will never hate anyone based on race. Take that to the Rainbow Colored Bank.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy April Fool's Day Prank Challenge

For all you pranksters out there, I challenge you to come up with the most daring, funny, and breathtaking April Fool's Day pranks you can think of.

Post your idea as a comment on this blog. Once I hear from you and see just what your deviously, comedic minds are cappable of, then you get another blog with my ideas for April Fool's Day pranks. And trust me, I've pulled quite a few doosies in my day.

With Just A Little Bit of Tweaking, These Could Be Used On Teachers, Too ;)

Surfing the internet and looking for interesting topics to write about, I came across this list of April Fools Day pranks that are used by co-workers against each other.

While faking a resignation, gluing office supplies to the desk and covering someone's cube in aluminum foil are among the most common office pranks, here are 10 of the most memorable pranks from this year's survey:
1. Placed a pair of pants and shoes inside the only toilet stall in a men's room to make it appear someone was using the stall. It sat there for hours until someone called security to check if the person had died.
2. Sent a fake love note to a co-worker from another co-worker.

3. All the women in office individually spoke to the president, confiding that she is pregnant. By noon, he 'knew' that all of his female workers were pregnant and he could not tell anyone because each asked for confidentially.
4. Called the electric company, used a co-worker's name and told them he was moving so the electricity got turned off at the co-worker's house.
5. Filled the vending soda machine with cans of beer.
6. Rigged the boss' chair to drop suddenly during a staff meeting.
7. Placed a sign on the restroom door that read, "The company ran out of toilet tissue; please use your own resources."
8. Paged a co-worker over the loud speaker claiming the CEO was looking for him. The worker went into the CEOs office and the CEO didn't know who he was or why he was there.
9. Shrink-wrapped everything in a co-worker's cubicle.
10. Put a 'house for sale' ad in the newspaper regarding a co-worker's home.

All of these are funny, some REALLY more so than others (See: #3, #5, and #9). The others were ok, but lacked a certain flair that makes an April Fool's Day prank really, really entertaining. I began thinking that with a few alterations here and there, I could use some of these pranks on my instructors. After all, today is the one day when these kind of pranks and jokes are moderately acceptible. So, I wonder which one of these I might consider? I may abandon all of these suggestions and rely on my cunning. Be VERY afraid ;)

A Hollywood Marriage Torn Apart

For those interested, there is a bitterly hostile divorce that happened just this last weekend in the "Land of Two-Minute to Two-Month Marriages," Los Angeles, California. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) split over the weekend.

The reason for the split between the two actors unions seemed reminiscent of a tawdry extra-marital affair from a soap opera. Actors were lured away from from the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists by what the AFTRA President, Roberta Reardon, calls a "relentless campaign of disinformation and disparagement" by the Screen Actors Guild. It is quite ironic that this situation mirrors a storyline from a soap opera, because it just happens to involve actors fro the daytime drama, "The Bold and The Beautiful."

Reardon may be jumping to conclusions by blaming the SAG. Alan Rosenberg, President of the Screen Actors Guild, told CNN that Reardon's statement was "calculated" and "cynical" and that the SAG had "no desire" to lure actors away from another actors union, especially one that had a partnership with the SAG. He believes this was Reardon's way of hastily dissolving the partnership. "They wanted to be out of this relationship for a long time," said Rosenberg. It seems, according to the SAG President, that veteran actors of the soap drama, John McCook and Susan Flannery invited Rosenberg and other executives to a lunch meeting one month ago.

And, of course, it's always the children who are the most hurt by a divorce. "The breakup hurts the actors, who will now begin negotiations with CBS, Fox, NBC Universal and other producers with a divided front," Rosenberg said.

I personally hope this crap smoothes over REAL soon. We are already hot off the heels of the Hollywood writer's strike. We don't need the actors going on strike for any reason. I would just go insane if I was forced to endure an actors' strike and couldn't see any new episodes of CSI and Dexter.

Tigers will Roar Into the Final Four

Even someone who doesn't like basketball, like yours truely, can get a little swept up by the emotional overtones on campus and by the fever brought on by "March Madness." I am almost ashamed to say that while I was at work yesterday, the manager was letting us occasionally tune into the game and I was getting into it, a little. She brought a little portable TV from home and just about every 15 or 20 minutes, she turned it on and we got caught up on the game. Yes, there were a few exciting moments and once or twice I caught myself cheering for a basketball game and rooting for the Tigers. Lol, the guys in the shorts are just so cute.

Don't get me wrong, I support the University of Memphis in every way I possibly can. I just don't have the time, money, nor the inclination to go to a basketball game. I do very much hope the Tigers go all the way, win the championship, and skunk all the other college teams.

Yesterday's game ended with the Tigers beating...wait, who the hell did they play? Oh yeah, the Texas Longhorns. The final score was 85-67. Kudos to Memphis and way to go John Calipari. This coach is just what our Tigers have needed to get them back into the championship hunt. Ok, I'm done. All this sports talk is making my head hurt. I'm going to go have a Pina Colada and watch some re-runs of Sex In The City. Later y'all.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Cherry Picking is defined metaphorically to indicate the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. Sometimes, when a person believes strongly in a topic, as I originally did with my view on national or "universal" health care, it is very hard to remain objective. You sometimes believe the way you think is the way everyone should think. To that end, when you are doing research for a persuasive paper or speech, you may very well find yourself "cherry-picking" without even knowing it.

It is fine to find all the data that supports your side, but you should always report the other side. Most people tend to look at a one-sided persuasive argument as a rant. They usually think that you think they are not capable of making an informed, rational decision on their own and they are likely to dismiss your side before you ever make your case.

There are times when cherry-picking is acceptable, even necessary. Defense lawyers and prosecutors, for example, use cherry-picking to build their cases for court. In this instance, cherry-picking is very vital to the situation at hand. But when doing research for a paper, especially a persuasive argument paper, a student must deliver both sides. Doing so will not hurt your point of view. On the contrary, it is likely to help you greatly. It says to the reader: "the writer cares about my knowing both sides so I can make an educated decision about this topic and not feel pressured into choosing their side of the argument." If the reader reads your paper and chooses a side other than yours, then so be it. At least you were fair and balanced to the situation and allowed the reader to exercise their right to choose as, hopefully you would want the writer of something you read to extend the same courtesy to you.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Linguist, A War Reporter, and A Baseball Nut Walk Into A Bar...

OK, so Wendy was right. Actually, she was more than right. I very much enjoyed going to the readings Thursday night. And I enjoyed the interviews the next day even more. The trio of writers from New York were very interesting and I believe what made me enjoy them even more was how real and down to earth they all were. They seemed almost awe-inspired to be doing the readings in such a gorgeous house as the Galloway Mansion. The house was simply breathtaking. Between Thursday night's readings and Friday morning's interviews, I really got a sense of who these people were and how much they cared about what they wrote about.

Stacy Sullivan, author of Be Not Afraid For You Have Sons In America: How A Brooklyn Roofer Helped Lure The U.S. into the Kosovo War, spoke of her book and the scope of her involvement with the Albanians. I stepped away from her book and asked her last night about the lawsuit that she and New York Magazine were involved in. She laughed, thought to herself for a moment to make sure she wasn't violating any laws by talking about it, and told the audience about the self-appointed mercenary who was trying to pass himself off as U.S. Special Forces. I think she feels the way most people do about this creep. He is a talentless hack that has nothing better to do than go around suing people. Hope the judge dismisses his case and then throws him in jail for wasting the court's and Sullivan's and New York Magazine's time.

Then, there is Joshua Prager. Who knew a Wall Street Journal reporter could be so funny? I guess I have a preconceived notion of anyone at the WSJ as being just a bunch of "stuffed shirts." If Prager ever gets tired of being a reporter, he definitely has a career in stand-up comedy. My question for him today was whether or not he had ever received any negative comments or hate mail from people regarding his public uncovering of the truth behind the 1951 greatest moment in baseball history. He told us all that there were definitely people that were not pleased with his exposing the truth. But I think two people that were definitely grateful to him were the two men around which this fantastic moment centered, Bobby Thomson and Ralph Branca.

Lastly, there is Christine Kenneally. An eloquent linguist who really knows her stuff. Her question was what her opinion of words like "jiggy" and "smackdown" being placed in Webster's Dictionary and the likelihood that it will eventually creep its way into just about everyone's vocabulary across the world. She was surprisingly supportive of the two jargony words, saying that as long as they are used in the right context and used appropriately where they should be used, then it is great these words are now part of our language.

Thanks Wendy, I had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Buck-Wild Bush...Part 2

This one will be brief, but I just looked back over the list of those that Bush pardoned and noticed that "W" pardoned 4 of the 15 who were involved in everything from marijuana to heroin to crack-cocaine, one guy for illegal firearm distribution, and one guy for bank embezzlement. Damn "W," are you trying to set up one hell of a party back in Texas for when you retire or were all of these pardons just coincidental??? Have any of you noticed that "W" is turning into his animated double on the Comedy Central hit animated series, Lil' Bush? Lol, either way, It will be funny to see what our President does next.

O.K. Everyone Wanted To Know When "W" Would Start Going Buck-Wild; This Is A Start

LOL, this bit of news just makes me laugh a lil bit. Most everyone I've talked to concerning the current (but soon to be gone, YES!!!) President of the United States has wondered, "when is "W" going to flip out and start doing some crazy shit. Well, this doesn't qualify as Uber-Crazy but it is uncharcteristic old George. Seems the President, who is normally quite stingy with his Presidential pardons, has been handing them out left and right here lately. Below is a list of names and a brief description of what they are being pardoned for:

On the pardon list were:
• William L. Baker of Spokane, Wash., who was sentenced in 1980 to two years prison for falsifying records.
• George Francis Bauckham of Oak Ridge, N.J., who received five years probation in 1958 for the unlawfully detention or delay of the mail by a postal employee.
• Kenneth Charles Britt of White City, Kan., who was sentenced to three years probation in 1998 for conspiracy to violate fish and wildlife laws.
• William Bruce Butt of London, Ky., who received three years probation in 1990 for bank embezzlement.
• Mariano Garza Caballero of Brownsville, Texas, who was sentenced in 1984 to 34 days in prison and four years probation for dealing in firearms without a license.
• Anthony C. Foglio of Santee, Calif., who was sentenced to three years probation in 1996 for distributing marijuana. He is also known as Tony Foley.
• Marvin Robert Foster of Boca Raton, Fla., who was sentenced to a year of probation in 1968 for making a false statement in connection with a Federal Housing Administration loan.
• Carl Harry Hachmeister of Denton, Texas, who was sentenced to three years probation in 1985 for conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud.
• William Marcus McDonald of Wetumpka, Ala., who was sentenced two four years confinement with hard labor by an Air Force court-martial in 1984 for cocaine and marijuana charges. His pay was docked, his rank was reduced and he was given a discharge for bad conduct.
• Robert Michael Milroy of Cinnaminson, N.J., who was sentenced to 7 1/2 years prison in 1975 for heroin importation.
• Jerry Lynn Moldenhauer and Thomas Donald Moldenhauer of Colorado Springs, Colo., who each received three years probation in 1994 for selling migratory bird parts in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
• Richard James Putney of Woodbridge, Va., who received one year of probation in 1996 for aiding and abetting the escape of a prisoner.
• Timothy Alfred Thone of Woodbury, Minn., who was sentenced in 1987 to two years probation for making a false statement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to obtain a mortgage.
• Lonnie Edward Two Eagle Sr. of Parmelee, S.D., who was sentenced to two years probation in 1976 for misdemeanor simple assault on an Indian reservation.
*****Bush also commuted the sentence of Patricia Beckford of Portsmouth, Va., who since 1992 has been serving a 23-year prison sentence for conspiracy to distribute more than 50 grams of crack cocaine. Bush left intact a five-year term of probation.

Since Roger Clemens, who is a friend of the Bush family, has yet to be charged or convicted of alleged illegal steroid use and allegedly lying to Congress while under oath during a Congressional investigation on illegal steroid abuse by professional sports athletes, in the event that he is convicted, "W" will probably pardon him as well. And with 9 months left in his Presidency, Bush is likely to do some more CRAZY shit. Stay tuned, because I will be back.

Monday, March 24, 2008

This Is How You Know I'm Gay

One of my favorite programs in the world has been "Sex In The City." I have watched every episode of the Emmy award-winning series and thanks to it being on HBO, I've seen every episode at least three or four times. I am waiting on the "Sex In The City" movie to come to theaters. Trust me baby, I'm there. I absolutely adore Cynthia Nixon (Miranda), Kristen Davis (Charlotte), Kim Cattral (Samantha) and would marry Sarah Jessica Parker(Carrie) if I were straight. Hell, she could take my last name and wouldn't have to change hers.

She is in a bit of a tizzy as of late though. Seems Maxim magazine labeled her "Unsexiest Woman Alive." Makes me want to write a blog about it. So, I think I will.

Sarah Jessica Parker, along with her 3 other castmates from the series personified sexy, and still do. She is upset and has every right to be. Granted, she may not exhibit some of the qualities of the normal "women" that Maxim lets grace the covers and articles, but she does have classic beauty and grace. She spoke to "Grazia," Britain's first 'glossy' magazine, and magazine writer Russ Wellen had this to say, I guess, in both the defenses of Maxim and Sarah Jessica Parker, "Maxim's readers likely weren't singling her out for a lack of sexiness, which no red-blooded man can dispute at this point. Arguably, it's her long face to which they object.
In fact, Ms. Parker is the latest in a long line of formidable women stretching from Cleopatra to Bette Davis to Madonna. Though lacking the symmetry of a classic beauty, they bent men -- and the world -- to their whims, whether by disposition, determination, or talent."

Hell, if you get thrown into a category with the likes of Bette Davis, Madonna, and Cleopatra, then you must be doing something right because these are some pretty dominant and powerful women. I can understand why Ms. Parker is upset, but she just needs to let this roll off her back. It's alright girl, they're just jealous.

The People of Memphis May Get Their Wish After All

As announced Thursday by the mayor of our fair city, Herenton told the press that he is seeking the vacant Superintendant of Memphis City Schools post. He pledged that he would resign as mayor of the city of Memphis on July 31, 2008. I have mixed feelings about this situation. Herenton did a great job as the Superintendant of Memphis City Schools when he originally held the post during 1979 to 1991. He has just made for a lousy mayor. So, after years of public unrest and disapproval at his job by the people of this city, despite the fact that he keeps getting elected, it is no wonder that Herenton has considered returning to his educational roots. That seems to be when he was the happiest.
When the mayor made this statement on Thursday, some were disappointed but many were very happy. Three and a half days later and the story is similar, but with a twist. The school board plans to fill the vacant job by July and that cooresponds with Herenton's planned July 31st resignation. Of course, as a political safety net, should the school board not vote Herenton in as the Superintendant of Memphis City Schools, "King Willie" has proclaimed that he will stay on as mayor if he doesn't get the job.

In discussing this with my Media Writing instructor, who works for The Commercial Appeal, he told the class that politicians do this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. They may be unsatisfied with the post they have been elected to and may want to do something outside of politics or something else in politics but in a different area. Since a politician can not hold two offices at one time, they would have to resign from one to work in the other. So they make an announcement that they will resign their current post and either run for another office or seek another job outside politics. Media hounds call this "fishing." The politician casts out their "bait" (resigning from office) and hope to get some nibbles from other companies or organizations, or to seek support for the new office they want to run for.

I, for one, wish "Slick Willie" Herenton all the best in his bid for the Superintendant job. I am for anything, short of assassination or an illegally-created scandal (even that didn't get him out of office), that removes Herenton from office as the Mayor of Memphis. So that I don't get arrested or charged, let me reiterate that I DO NOT WANT THE MAYOR TO BE ASSASSINATED. I just want him to be gone from the highest position of political power in the city.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My First River City Writer

I wasn't able to see his reading, but I did attend the interview. I am simply amazed by Floyd Skloot. It is most difficult to be a successful author in the first place, but to have to go back and have to relearn everything you've learned about writing, when your memory gets wiped out from a disease, and become a successful author and poet twice is truely remarkable.

Skloot has a writing room in his home that he suggests every writer should have. Because of the illness that took his memory and because of his having to relearn a great deal of his memory, Skloot carries a writing pad and pen with him everywhere he goes; he has one of each in every room in his home, including his bathroom. And for every jacket or coat he owns, there is a writing pad and pen in every one because he says he will forget to take it out of one and put it in another. Skloot admits that when he began writing about his illness, that every CRACKPOT imaginable came out of the woodwork. During his interview, he elaborated on a few examples. He spoke of the man who told him of a rum concoction that he created that would cure him, and another man who tried to sell him garlic clove suppositories. By far, however, the most interesting one was the man who wanted to sell Floyd a machine that would fix his memory loss. The price tag was $8000.00. There are people out there that will prey on innocent people and Skloot also realizes though that there are people out there that are extremely grateful to him for giving a voice to this disease.

When asked if he writes to a particular audience, Skloot said, "if you write the project correctly, it will find its readers." He also said, "It is easy to fall in love with your writing and think you got it right." Skloot has a couple of devoted proofreaders in his corner. His wife and his daughter, Rebecca, review all of his work before he sends it out.

When asked about the preference of one genre or another, Skloot admitted that there were certain subjects that he will write for one particular genre and other subjects that go into a different genre. He also told the crowd that in the past 10 or 15 years, whatever subject he investigated determined the genre he would write the work in.

Truely an amazing person is Floyd Skloot. I am very intrigued to read some of his work.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What is the WTCCC and What Does it Do????

As part of English 1020's series of "Think Globally, Act Locally," Andrew Couch, Founder of the West Tennessee Clean Cities Coalition (WTCCC), kicked off this series Friday, March 14th in Patterson 456. So, a lot of people there had never even heard of the WTCCC and surely didn't know what it was that they did.

An organization founded in August of 2005 by Andrew Couch, has many functions. It tracks legislation that affects or is affected by environmental concerns. The WTCCC helps other organizations by assisting them with the knowledge of how to obtain grants and funding. It provides education and outreach to communities on how to become more environmentally friendly. It preaches the virtues, not to mention the cost effectiveness, of energy consumption control and is always, always, always researching new alternative fuels.

When asked "Why should we even consider alternative fuels?" Andrew Couch stated that it is something worth sticking with and seeing through to the end. He and others vehemently believe that new alternative fuels will replace existing, highly inconvenient fossil fuels such as petroleum.
Also asked was, "Why are people so apprehensive about alternative fuels?" For this, he offered the explanation that people do not like change (which is painfully true). People didn't like the radio (sort of replacement for newspapers and magazines) when it was invented, nor did they like radio's replacement, television. Same will soon, or may already, be said about TV's replacement, the Internet.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aaron's Story (Part 6)

Ok, so I had to work the day before Thanksgiving, the day of Thanksgiving, and would have had to work the next few days, but it didn't happen like that. I came home from work the night before Thanksgiving and poured myself a glass of wine. I don't usually drink wine, but Aaron does, or did. So, it made me feel closer to him, and managed to knock the edge off the bad day that I had. I called him at his parents house and talked to his sister who is kooky like I am. She then put me on the phone with his brother who once again, for about the 5th time since I met Aaron, told me that if I hurt his big brother emotionally, he would come hurt me physically. I reassured him that neither thing would ever happen, told him I loved him and then Jonathon passed the phone to his parents. I love Aaron's parents like they are my own. And they love me like another son. We talked for about ten minutes and then Aaron's dad handed the phone over to my sweetheart.

Aaron and I talked for about an hour. Sometimes, we had to monitor ourselves because we could talk for hours on the phone if we didn't watch it. I hung up, feeling a little better, but definitely wanting to be there with him. I worked the next day and when I got home I was very anxious to talk to Aaron. I received a promotion at work and wanted to tell him that we would have to celebrate when he got back home. But he wouldn't be coming back home to me. All of a sudden I felt this wave of fear wash over me. I didn't know where it was coming from.

When I called to talk to him, there was no answer at his parents' house. I tried back a couple more times. Then I tried his cell phone, no answer. I called his mom and dad on their cell phones, respectively. No answer on either. I was really worried now. I called his brother's phone and finally got an answer. I could tell within a couple seconds of speaking to Jonathon that something was wrong. He told me to sit down. I thought maybe something was wrong with one of their parents. I was wrong. Aaron's dad came on the phone and I could tell he had been crying. I could hear it in his voice which was shaky and cracking. He told me that there had been an accident. He told me that Aaron wanted to leave early so that he could be back in the morning, to surprise me. My heart began to sink, and I became nauseated. I could hear Aaron's mother crying in the background. "My baby boy, oh my God!" I kept hearing her say. Aaron's dad told me that he was just outside of Pennsylvania when his car collided with another one. The driver of the other car had been drinking, heavily, and that sorry miserable bastard somehow managed to live. The doctors told everyone that Aaron was killed instantly. To Be Continued...

Think Globally, Act Locally

I have completely missed the River City Writers series. I am going to try to make the last one on Monday night granted that I don't have to work. However, I have RSVP'd for the first speaker, Andrew Couch, on the Think Globally, Act Locally series in the morning. I am very interested in hearing this speaker. Not that I wasn't interested in hearing any of the writers speak, I just couldn't find the time. Given that I NEVER have a fixed schedule at work, it is very hard for me to go to some of these outside events unless I can plan them a week or two in advance. There are a lot of students whose mommy and daddy float them financially and that they don't have to work as much as me or others. God, I wish I had that arrangement. However, I don't. I have to work to pay the bills and school ties with my job. Neither is more nor less important than the other at this time.

However, I am free tomorrow morning when Couch will be speaking, therefore, I am going. My next blog will be about him. I know that it is important for me to go to these events, not only because they are figured into my grade, but because I am truely interested in these events. But sometimes I have to make the hard choice of going to an event to keep my grade up, or going to work and making money that keeps Memphis Light Gas and Robbery from turning my electricity off. Hearing Rebecca Skloot speak or putting food on my table. Hard choice, but I make the best decision that I can until I have my career. See you guys on the flip side. Later.

My Spring Break

In a way, I was very jealous of the many other students who had the means and opportunity to go away for their Spring Break. Many fellow classmates that I called to do something when I wasn't working were away. While others were going to parties, traveling out of town, and spending time with their boyfriends and/or girlfriends, I was dealing with the lady from Southaven. She likes to buy her clothes from T.J.Maxx, wear them for about three weeks (sometimes not changing out of them), and then try to return them for a refund. She has been doing this since before I came to work there and still she hasn't been able to successfully return a single item of clothing. More often than not it is because of the smell that radiates from the garments.

Then, there is Mr. Reed. Mr. Reed is a man who personifies the phrase, "misery loves company." If he is not happy, then he wants to make sure that everyone around him is as equally unhappy. And he is unhappy most of the time. Oh, and he loves to come shopping at my store. You would think that a person who obviously dislikes people, who he considers to be so incompetent (even when we are not), would keep his sour puss ass at home. No such luck.

And finally, there is the company I work for sending down one ludicrous dictate after another. I have never worked for such a backwards company in my life. Wait, I did work for Wal-Mart twice, so never mind. People ask me why I still work for this company if I am so unhappy. The answer is simple; I am good at what I do. I have most of my adolescent life and all of my adult life thus far in customer service. It is what I do best, the only thing I know how to do, professionally speaking. That is why I came back to school. I wish to have a career that minimizes my interaction with the general public.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break. Perhaps next year, I can enjoy mine the way I want to.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Matthews Take On Lester Street Murders

Local radio personality and Memphis Blogger Thaddeus Matthews has done it again. He has put controversial postings on his website. Matthews has posted images of the six murder victims from the Lester Street killings. The fact that Matthews posts controversial topics and statements on his website is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that he is publicly apologizing to viewers, readers, and the family members of Shindri Roberson for posting the same image of her on his site as the Commercial Appeal did on the front page.

While Matthews is under no legal obligation to inform the family of his intent and while there is no law preventing him from doing so, he is issuing a retraction of sorts. He is apologizing to the family, telling them that he should have at least informed them of his intent. The fearless blogger is quoted in his latest blog as saying "what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong." He explains this by saying that it was improper to post the facial image of Shindri Roberson on his blog because whether or not she had a child, he would not want the child seeing that image of his or her mother and that being the child's final memory of her.

Matthews' smash-mouth, provocative style is refreshing to an old cynic like me, but even I can agree that he might have gone a step too far with posting the facial shot of Ms. Roberson. To his credit, his motivation is an honorable one. He wishes to ensure that the Memphis Police Department doesn't just sweep this under the rug and that they don't try to cover it up in the event they can't find the killer or killers.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

And Then There Was One

One by one, the Republican candidates fell. Some started as flashes in the pan but then quickly fizzled out. The only Republican that I really liked and would have voted for was former New York City mayor, Rudy Guiliani. But he was one of the first to go. So, since I didn't like any of the other Republicans (especially not Fred Thompson or Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney or any others), and my only Republican choice was shot down, I decided to switch over to the Democrats. I like both Hilary and Barack, too bad they can't be co-Presidents of the United States. Hey, now there's an idea. Ralph Nader doesn't ever really stand a chance in hell of winning and has anyone seen H. Ross Perot?? "Mr. I'm in, no, I'm out, no, I'm in" himself. Now that was comedy. And not any of the SNL skits either. Real life Perot was a riot to watch.
So, with Mike Huckabee conceding defeat, we are left with John McCain. He's not really fit to be President, but with the country possibly not being ready to elect a female or African-American for President and with Ralph Nader trying to get into the race, only to suck votes away from the Democratic candidate, the sad truth remains that John McCain is likely to be George W. Bush's successor. I think I'm going to cry. And speaking of crying, if W's public endorsement of his candidacy causes him to lose any popularity, McCain may be crying in his beer. That's ok, John. If you can't finish your beer, W will drink it for you. And if not him, then his daughters will.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hi Nathan

It's about damn time you visited my blogsite. Call me. Love, Schmooy.

Skatepark A Great Idea

I read the blog from the SmartCity Memphis blog here and I for one am tremendously thrilled about the idea of the city building a skatepark on Mud Island. The ongoing Downtown Re-Beautification project is very important. It gives the city something positive to focus on. This skatepark is something that will be beneficial to the community as well as the image of this city. I am forever hearing people say, "there is nothing to do in this city." Of course most of the ones saying this are usually referring to nightlife activities, but people who are not are referring to the fact that there have been no fun and safe activities downtown for children and young adults.
Martyr's Park could use some company. Building this park will provide something that parents can use during the day to go to. They can play with their children and young adults and others can get some exercise and have fun as well in an area that had been devoid of a decent place like this. Provided that there is adequate security in place for this park to prevent predators like child molestors and gang members from attacking our children, this will be a very welcome and wonderful addition to our downtown area.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crime $toppers: 528-(not nearly enough)CASH

In an area of town called Binghampton in Memphis, 6 bodies (two dead men, two dead women, and two dead children) were found along with 3 children that had been wounded, but are still alive. The police have absolutely no leads at this time and no idea how to pursue the city's biggest murder investigation in decades. They are not even sure if they surviving children found in the house are going to be able to assist them in finding if attacked them. A homicide detective for the Memphis Police Department has pleaded for residents in the area to come forward to help solve this case.
Often ads are seen on TV and billboards about Crime $toppers. Just call 528-CASH and you can turn someone in and collect a little bit of money as a reward. But is this worth your life? If someone is desperate enough to kill 6 people and wound 3 others, then surely, they would have no problem killing another person. Now I am not advocating that you should say nothing if you have knowledge that will bring a criminal to justice, but you should stop, think it over and determine if the rewards (money) outweigh the dangers (possibly losing your own life).
Now, if the police do find this sick bastard that did this, they should decapitate him right then and there in the middle of the court room. Send out a clear message to other would-be killers. We are tired of you killing our townsfolk and we are going to start killing you back.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Are We Still Talking About This? Really? Really??

The Pyramid, I mean Bass Pro Shop's Supercenter, I mean the possible new hotel and amusement park, is STILL in the news. WHY?????
Be done with this already. Whether the city is going to go ahead with the deal with Bass Pro Shops, or sell it to the businessman who wants to turn it into a possible hotel and amussement park, they need to go ahead and do something and quit letting this be an issue. Give King Willie what he wants by killing two birds with one stone. Cut the cables and let the Pyramid slide off into the Mississippi River and then let Herenton build another arena (with the FedEx Forum only a few years old) in its place. Or better yet, let the state go ahead and approve gambling here in Tennessee. Hell, we already go to Tunica, why not save the gas money? Turn the Pyramid into a casino and hotel.
Whatever is done, it needs to be done fast because people are really getting tired of hearing about it. I can't tell you how many people I hear say, "I'm just sick of hearing about it. I don't care if they blow the damn thing off the face of the planet, just as long as they go ahead and make a decision and stick with it."
Come on Memphis City Council. Do what you got to do to keep this from darkening another front page, or any other page, of the Commercial Appeal ever again.

Harold Ford, Jr

It is amazing with all of the concerns today of violence in schools, apparent surges of gang activity both in and out of schools, and the lack of any REAL, viable solutions to these problems, that anyone has ANY time to concentrate on who Harold Ford, Jr is dating or married to. I see two problems here.
The first problem is that people are commenting on this when in fact it is really none of their business. Ford, Jr does not come to these people's homes and tell them who they can and cannot, or should or should not date or marry. Keep your nose in your own business. If Harold Ford, Jr wants to know what the general public thinks about his choice for a girlfriend or wife, then I would imagine that he would open an internet poll or buy space in the Commercial Appeal or other newspapers and conduct an opinion poll. My guess is that Jr doesn't really give a flying flip what anyone thinks and he shouldn't.
The second problem, and more serious one I might add, is the racial undertone of this concern of the general populace. Almost everywhere I've gone in the last couple weeks I have heard many black citizens who have had disparaging things to say about Ford, Jr's choice for a girlfriend or wife. It is shocking to hear many people, mostly black, saying things like "Ford, Jr is betraying his race because his woman is white." It is symbolic of the existing racial disharmony that continues to beat through the heart of this city. A recent article that I read in the Commercial Appeal written by Wendi C. Thomas says that racial tension is dying down in Memphis. I have to call bullshit on that article. Otherwise, so many of the black citizens, and some white and hispanic citizens as well, would not be up in arms about this issue with Harold Ford, Jr.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Being Sick Sucks

First, there is that little sniffle, then a few sneezes, and finally a light little cough. DAMN! I'm sick. I held out as long as possible, but I guess going to school with over 24,000 people and working in retail where every little snot-nosed, oops, I mean, little darling angel, is running around sneezing and coughing without covering their noses and mouths. And their parents are worse. They don't cover their own mouth or nose when they cough or sneeze either. It was just a matter of time before I caught something from someone. And boy is it ever kicking my ass. I don't get sick often, but when I do, it's a doosy.
I had to miss Tuesday's English class, Math class and Psychology class, because I could barely muster up enough strength to write this blog (which i fell asleep 3 times doing), let alone walk to each of my classes. I want to apologize to my instructors for my absence from their classes today. I hope that if they get a chance to see my blog, then they will send me an email with information about what was covered in class today so that i will not fall behind.
I have taken my medicine, am drinking copious amounts of orange juice, and am wrapped in my favorite blanket with a box of Kleenex on my couch sneezing and cough my damn head off.
I should be well enough to return to class on Thursday, so unless this crud turns into the Venezuelan Morphing Pneumonia, I will be fine. See you all later.

To Blog or Not To Blog

Recently, I attended a small scheduled event held by the Journalism department. The University of Memphis invited Thaddeus Matthews, a local radio personality and a blogger, to the campus to speak on the topic: "Is Blogging Journalism?"
I found this interesting because I originally thought blogging to be just the web version of a diary. Even with all that I have to blog for my English class, I didn't take much stock in it because it is not something I do on a daily basis (even though I am supposed to for a grade). Don't get me wrong, I love to write. I just don't have the internet or a computer attached to my hip like most people do. I know I need the computer and internet; I just wish we didn't need them so badly. Anyway, I'm getting away from the topic at hand.
Matthews recently posted official police documents in the murder case of soon-to-retire officer Vidulich on his blogsite. This angered Memphis City Police Chief Larry Godwin and Dist. Atty. Gen. Bill Gibbons, who sent two investigators ("Goons" as Matthews puts it) to the studio where Matthews puts on his radio talk show. Matthews refuses to reveal his sources from the police department that "leaked" the documents to him and claims that he is protected by Tennessee Shield Laws for journalism. If a case is brought against Matthews and he is found to not be covered by the journalist protection measure, he is prepared to go to jail to protect his sources.
So, the question(s) on the table: Does Matthews have the right to publish those documents on his blogsite? Are Bloggers Journalists? Should they have the same rights afforded to reporters for newspapers, magazines and TV news programs? Would you go to jail to protect your sources if you were a journalist?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday's Headline: Tigers Declawed!

I must admit that I am not a fan of basketball at all. And I am much less a fan of college hoops. However, you must be 100% emotionally deficient not to have felt the excitement around the campus, in the general area, and across the country for that matter. Tigers vs. Vols, kinda old news. But when you throw in the fact that we went into this game in the #1 position ahead of the Vols, it makes the loss even that much harder for the true fans to stomach. I've talked to quite a few fans in the last two days and they are all kind of depressed. So, I have the answer if classrooms are empty for the next few days.
Still, the game was hyped, the tickets were insanely expensive, and the Tigers were denied. Last night, coming home from work, I am sitting a red light and some jackoff from UT pulls up next to me and other cars and screams out the window, "Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee, baby!!" I brush that off and then i am going to a bar where a friend of mine works to say hi when I pass Gill's on Highland. I was taken aback for a moment. Outside, this guy, this big, burly he-man of a dude, was sitting alone at a table and he was weeping. Not a tear, TEARS, lots of them. I asked him if he was ok and all he could muster was "Memphis lost man." WOW! Either he had a LOT of money riding on that game, or he is the biggest fan of the Tigers. For those who missed the game, the final score:

TENN (25-2)

MEM (26-1)

To be perfectly honest, when I heard that we lost by two lousy baskets, I was just a little disappointed. Not as much as weeping willow boy, but still disappointed.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Not-So-Funny Thing Happened On Aisle Three @ Kroger.

I am usually a very happy go lucky and carefree person. Sure some of my blogs of a political or religious nature tend to be a little cynical and jaded, but for the most part, I am an even-tempered, mellow kind of guy. And I don't usually ever go around screaming that I'm not a racist. My opinion is that if you have to say it every 5 minutes, then you probably are a racist. But in this case, I will make an exception. I AM NOT A RACIST!! Now, why, may you ask, would I feel that I have to strongly declare this?
Answer: I went to Kroger this evening and was doing a little shopping for the weekend (once I am in on the weekend, I don't like to go out unless I absolutely have to). I bumped shopping carts with this young woman who is black and as I am prone to do, I said, "Excuse me." She gave me the 'evil eye' and said rather loudly for grocery store volume level, "Uh Huh!" It really wasn't what she said, so much as how she said it. I picked up on a trace of an attitude and excused myself from the aisle. Fast forward to frozen foods. I was on the aisle and was intently looking at a few items in the case and didn't see this young lady coming down the aisle. I made a u-turn with my basket and accidentally bumped her shopping cart again, purely be accident I assure you.
This time the 'evil eye' got more intense if that's possible and instead of her initial "uh huh," I received obscenities and racial slurs. I believe her exact words were, "Watch where the fuck you're going you cracker-ass son-of-a-bitch! You are intentionally fuckin with me because I'm black!" All I could say was that i was sorry and moved my cart out of her way. I wasn't really offended at first until I was over by the dairy products and it hit me. Don't get me wrong. I heard what she said and understood the words that were coming out of her mouth. It didn't affect me until I had a minute to think about it. I became angry and then emotionally upset a little bit. This woman didn't know me! And she certainly had no right to say what she said. It was rude, it was mean, and the words she said were WAY off base. One of my ex-boyfriends is black and another is hispanic. I just believe that the racial tension is still alive in this city. And in some people it is boiling over.

Aaron's Story (Part 5)

Ok, so as a couple we did a lot of the cute little couple things. We practically went everywhere together, did everything together. It was a while after we dated that we decided to consolidate two house into one. He sublet his apartment for the remaining 6 months that he had on his lease and signed a letter vouching for the people who rented from him so that they could get on the lease and not have to move out when the lease expired. He was a nice guy like that. And that raw compassion for others was one of the things that I loved about him the most. That and he was an excellent kisser. (Muy caliente).
I want to skip ahead a bit because I don't think I am going to be in college long enough to blog every single detail of this relationship. Plus I figure some of you would appreciate my not delving that deep. Anyway, I fast forward to the holiday season 5 years ago. It was Thanksgiving, 2002 and we had made plans to go to Aaron's parents home for Thanksgiving. Very last minute, my job called me and begged me to stay and bribed me with a week's worth of paid vacation if I would stay and work. I didn't want to, but Aaron was the one that convinced me to stay. So, I did. We changed our plans and Aaron went to see his parents without me. We decided that we would use the week's paid vacation that I was bribed with and go up to Pennsylvania then. Still, he wanted to go see his folks on Turkey Day and would come back home to me the very next day . To Be Continued...(it's about to get sad)

Just What I Needed

So, I'm on the internet, just a lookin for articles and cites that will help me with the history of health care in this city. I was having no luck when i remembered Wendy told us that we had resources right under our noses. I logged into the class blogsite and navigated just below the class blogs and what should i find but some tasty tidbits of intellectual goodness.
I was saddened by the infant death epidemic article. And the Memphis's Medical Graceland article didn't make me feel much better. I will examine these more closely over the weekend so that i may write and submit my contribution to the Big Paper, part 2. I hope you enjoy my book review.
I have just one question...What is the cutoff year for what you consider "historical?" It is tough finding anymore Memphis-specific historical info online. I suppose that I could look up old old Commercial Appeal articles if they are archived anywhere on campus. Just out of curiosity, if i needed an extension on the second part of the paper, would you grant me one? I have every intention of getting the paper turned in on time and I have never asked for a deadline extension before, ever. But should some unforeseen circumstances crop up, would you consider giving me an extension ? Anyway, 2 more blogs to go for this week.

Quote from Dead Poet's Society

The cat sat on the hat.

Writing Writing Writing Arrrrrrrrgh!!!!!

The only class that i don't have to write an essay or paper in this semester is College Algebra. I am becoming very initmate with my computer (get your minds outta the gutter). Hell, that's $5.99 a minute and i don't have that kind of cash. Anyway, I have to write blogs for english (I'm blogging about the blogs I have to blog...I feel like a Smurf), as well as my other assignments. In psychology, I have to write an essay daily about a topic from the chapter just read. And in my media writing class...hello? The name says it all and I get to write news stories, even though I am not going to work for a newspaper or magazine.
I love to write, but I am feeling just a touch overwhelmed at times. It's ok though, I just rant for a bit and then go back to writing. Dammit! LOL, well, here I go again.
The blogs are cool though. I get a chance to express myself and it is a way that I can keep track of my research and take notes from my readings. Occasionally, I will sneak in a silly or insane blog because that would be so like me. But for the most part, I will adhere to the sage advice administered by my English professor. How many more of these do I have to do? Aww, Hell. See you in class Wendy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Universal Health Care: Not All It's Cracked Up To Be Or Is It??

I had no idea where to begin when I first started my research project. I guess I was still stunned by the fact that i had to write a 12-14 page paper. WOW! Anyway, when the initial shock wore off and I came around, I thought, I'll do healthcare as my topic. I have always been passionate about it. That's the topic for me. Did some research. Found some things in favor of my topic, also found some things opposed to my topic. Never really found anything fair and unbiased.
I am the type of person that doesn't jump the gun and take one side without hearing both sides of the argument. I might still be wrong at the end of the process, but at least I formed an opinion after hearing both sides.
I was looking at book after book on the topic of health care for my book review. Had no luck. Went to lunch and came back. Looked around for another ten minutes and this book just kinda jumped out at me. I quickly scanned it and took in a little of the info and decided this was the book for me. Got home and started reading it more and came to the realization that I needed to switch gears. Same topic, new direction. It would be great if this country had some form of universal health care, but as my book I chose says, somebody has to pay for it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Violence In Schools

No cute or clever titles for this one folks. This is a topic that boggles my mind. When the shootings first happened at Columbine High School, I was incredibly shocked and saddened. When the other shootings have happened at other high schools and colleges around the country, I made me outraged. I've often thought "How the Hell can this continue to happen?"
When the latest school shooting happened here in Memphis, I said "enough is enough damn it!" Some of the city schools in this country are breeding grounds for violence and something has to be done to stop it. Some of those schools are right here in this city. I just don't understand how or why nothing is being done to end the violence.
Perhaps my train of thought will be perceived as too extreme by some. But I really think we need to ship these violent offenders off to another country if they can't stop shooting and killing. Yes, I know that most of them are kids, but these violent kids are growing up to be violent adults. School administrators give them chance after chance, shuffle them around to other schools, and have created "alternative schools" for the truely troubled children. Guidance counselors can only do so much when the parents of these kids do nothing. It is very much the parents who are mostly to blame here. Most of the parents either don't care or are just not there for their kids and the kids turn to the only thing that seems to make them feel good about themselves...violence.
Well, this has to stop. This vicious cycle must come to an end and if it means that the kids have to be exiled as a result, then so be it. Oh, and send their parents with them.

Ding Dong "W"'s Almost Gone

I would never even begin to speak for anyone else, but I am tickled F****n' pink. This is Bush's last year in office so it's bound to be an entertaining one. I just don't see "W" going quietly into the night. He's a Texan and they just don't do that sort of thing. The media is on a perpetual state of Red Alert just in case Bush does something monumentally stupid.
The question is: will Bush do something monumentally stupid before he leaves office next year? If I were a betting man, I would put all of my money on YES. With the country in the financial trouble that it is in, thanks to Bush, and with most of our troops still over in Iraq, thanks to Bush, is there anything left that his "reverse" Midas touch can destroy?
As I said in one of my earlier blogs, it doesn't really matter who goes into office next, a blind monkey with an addiction to crack and a penchant for snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass would do a better job, so anyone that get's elected now would be much better. I do hope, on a personal note, that he is successful in getting the tax cut for Americans pushed through. The way I figure it, he owes us AT LEAST that much, if not definitely more. Lift your glasses high into the air and let's toast ol' "W." Here's to the worst President in our nation's history (Nixon gives a sigh of relief from the great beyond).

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Get Out The Vote

Michael Parker
ENGL 1020 (046)
“Get Out The Vote”

“Get Out The Vote” was a very interesting article in that the author at first seemed to be pressuring people to go vote no matter what. Upon reading more into the story, I realized the writer was justifying people’s reasons for not voting as well as for voting. At first, I felt that I should feel guilty if I do not want to vote or cannot make it to a polling place on time. The phrase that most made me feel this way was, “Three years ago anyone who failed to vote had to face the combined scorn of both political parties, the schoolteachers, boy scouts, war veterans, chambers of commerce, and leagues of women voters. Last year bar associations, girl scouts, tavern keepers, President Eisenhower, radio and TV stations, and junior chambers of commerce joined the crusade.” I pondered, for a moment, who was telling this story and then I realized the speaker of these words to be the political machines that were mentioned in the article. Political machines are best described as the wealthier candidates who spend a great deal of money on campaigning and who wish to clog up the polling places with voters who don’t want to be there as well as voters who are not well-informed and do not know all that much about the candidates. “The notion that "getting out the vote" makes for better election results is neither non-partisan, patriotic, nor logical. It is a device to favor the machines of both parties.”
As a matter of fact, those apathetic and uninformed voters are the intended targets for the machines, as well as the primary audience for this article. According to this article, it seems like the candidates would almost prefer the majority of voters be the misinformed kind. The candidate would get the votes from the informed voters and the uninformed ones might vote for them not realizing any better. And pressure placed on the non-voter would most likely make them cast a vote that would cancel out an informed voter’s casting.
I was not surprised to learn this article was written in 1955. Near the very beginning of the article, I read , “There is every prospect that in future elections, nonvoters will face jail sentences or fines, or be called to testify before investigating committees.” Upon seeing these words, I was reasonably sure that this was a dated piece. Authorities today would not even consider arresting or jailing someone who didn’t vote. Though this was written in 1955, another slogan has sort of captivated the youth of America recently. MTV’s “Rock The Vote” has encouraged young people to go vote during an important local or national election by telling the youth that their voice deserves to be heard. Entire “Rock The Vote” parties and televised events have been held and they often immolate the political conventions held by both the Democratic and Republican parties. What MTV has failed to do with this slogan and with these events is place a sense of urgency on the youth learning all they can about the candidates that are running for a particular office or position.
The central argument of this article, I believe, is that voting is important. As stated in the article, it should be a privilege, and not a duty. A main point of this argument is that we should all attempt to learn as much as we can about the candidates so that we can make an informed decision.
Another point raised states that if you have learned all you can and you do not like or cannot support any of the candidates, then do not cast a vote just for the sake of voting. I believe this point completely undermines the cultural idea set forth by our politicians that we should all get out and vote and make our voice heard. “The silliest idea of all is the notion that it is un-American or unpatriotic not to vote,” is the phrase that I most agree with because I did not vote in the last Presidential election that we had. I didn’t like Bush and didn’t know Kerry. None of the other candidates appealed to me either. So, on election day, I sat at home and watched the news to see just who did win.
This article was extremely fun to read because I can identify with the author. I think it is great that the politicians want you to get out and vote, but I believe that they should encourage all Americans to learn as much as possible about the candidates. They should also let Americans know that if they cannot find a candidate that they like or agree with, then it is acceptable not to vote.

Confession Is Good For The Soul...Round Two

Even though I didn't post a comment about his "Trouble Up Ahead In '08" blog, Confessions of a West TN Liberal must have felt that the 8 people who did throw their two cents in thought along the same lines I did. His latest blog, "I Retract My Statement!", has the blogger backtracking and apologizing for his earlier comments.
And it wasn't so much which comments he made as it was that he trashed everybody, Democrat and Republican alike. If you don't like ANY of the candidates, write in your choice if possible and let that be enough. If you claim to be a Democrat, find a candidate you can support and throw your support behind that person. Likewise if you ,for some ungodly reason, wish to be a, **gulp** Republican.
There are things I don't like about Hilary Clinton and things I don't like about Barack Obama. But this much is true, I support both and if I could vote for both, I would. And regardless of who gets the Democratic nod for this Presidential race, be it Hilary or Obama, if the other ends up running as the winner's running mate, I will be tickled pink. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Confessions of a West TN Liberal was just being nasty to all running for the big chair in the White House. Like I said in my first blog about this guy, pick a candidate and support them, and if you don't like the choices, add a new one if you can. Otherwise, sit down and let the next person talk. Thanks

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Only In An Election Year

It amazes me that when a major election year rolls around, that incumbent politicians as well as those seeking to unseat the incumbents begin the heavy discussions of issues that matter to the people of this country. Maybe I am a huge cynic when it comes to this, but I think it sucks that the incumbents and political hopefuls only seem to care about matters of healthcare, social security, employment, and education when they are trying to get (or keep) their jobs.
I propose that we revise the election system in this country. Make it a "get it done or get the hell out" system. If you promise (make a campaign promise) to solve the healthcare problem, and do it, you keep your job this round. If you fail to do anything significant, you're out. No impeachment process necessary. Donald Trump gets to walk up to you and say "You're Fired." This kind of conditional election system will either cut down on the number of campaign promises made or it will strongly motivate an elected official to actually do what they promised to get elected. Of the remaining people jockeying for the big chair in the White House, they all have and will continue to tell us what we want to hear from now until election day. But what will they actually do when they get there??
My hope is that they will actually do something significant to help the people of this country, but my cynical money is riding on believing that they will do little to nothing. God, I hope I'm wrong, but I fear I'm right.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Aaron's Story (Part 4)

The next few months, Aaron was all that I was able to talk about. He talked to Andrea at work and all they talked about was me. I had fallen so very hard for this boy and I didn't care who knew. Hell, I told everybody. Everything was falling into place for me. Work was on track at the time, my love life had gotten a much needed upgrade from no "husband" to the "husband" of my dreams. He was so incredibly attentive and devoted to me as I was to him. He continued to be my every waking thought and focus. After about 6 months of dating, we decided that we could live together. He moved his stuff into my apartment and shortly thereafter, my roommate moved out. For my sake with my family, since they didn't know about my sexuality, we kept the two bedrooms and made one look like it had been used the whole time he was there.
My mother and sisters, who came over every once in a while, always made it a point to comment on how clean that room was and never looked slept in. I would always tell them that was Aaron's room and that he was a complete neat freak. I always thought they bought it hook, line and sinker, but mom always looked at me with this look that can only be described as "who the hell do you think you are trying to kid?" But she always verbally accepted the explanation. I think she always knew deep down, just didn't want to confirm her suspicions. Yep mom, your baby boy is a big ol' "MO" (short for Homo).

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Memphis City Government Responds: "I'm not Sure We Know What you Mean By Renovation"

Well, here goes Memphis City Government again. Just read the Smart City Memphis blog called, "Unconventional Thinking Needed On Convention Center," and I'm all ready to pull my hair out (that is if I had any to pull out).
Is it me or have every single member up to and definitely including the King, oops, I mean Mayor of our fair city's government lost their ever-loving mind??? What is it with this city's officials!? Instead of repairing or renovating an existing stadium or arena, these officials want to build a new one. Only when they are shot down completely, do they resort to the option they should have chosen first, renovation. This time it appears that King Willie wants to build a brand new arena/convention center here in Memphis, but for now has put those visions on the back burner. Let's see Mid South Coliseum (now defunct), check; the Pyramid (now defunct), check; The FedEx Forum, (brand new, but soon to be defunct), check. For Christmas 2008, my plans are to purchase enought Merrium Webster dictionaries to give one to everyone on the City Council and also give King Willie one. Inside each dictionary will be the words renovate and renovation underlined and highlighted. Hopefully, they will get the picture. I am reminded of the movie Rush Hour in which Chris tucker says, "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?"

They Say Confession Is Good For The Soul...

Ok, I really didn't like AlphaPatriot and his lunatic ramblings, but I am starting to get peeved. I read the Confessions of A West Tennessee Liberal's blog entitled "Trouble up ahead in '08" and I wonder what is wrong with the American political system today. This John Marek guy is scared of John McCain like he is the boogeyman or something. He has absolutely no confidence in either Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton. I can understand if you don't like one or the other and if you have good reason not to be confident, but at the moment, neither Obama nor Clinton have given us any reason to think they wouldn't do a totally fabulous job in the White House. Hell, at this point, after 8 years of "W," a blind monkey with a CRACK addiction and a penchant for snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass would do a better job.
He has all but conceded victory to the Republicans. I would emplore Marek to have a little faith and find a candidate to support and actually support that candidate. A year or so ago, I believed that it really didn't matter who the Democrats put up against the Republicans, that the Republicans wouldn't stand a chance in Hell of taking the Presidency after Bush. The truth of the matter is that none of the candidates can say that another one voted for the War in Iraq, because they all did. Each and every single candidate still running for the White House checked yes to that particular question, so it will be interesting to see how things continue to unfold.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

AlphaPatriot is just a weeee bit CRAZY!

Poor guy. He is just a touch upset over the fact that none of the remaining candidates believe the way he does. Well, maybe that's because he's a lunatic and all of the lunatics that wanted to be President are either out or on their way out the door. Maybe, just maybe "W" has screwed up so much that nearly every Republican looks like the Devil in disguise. AlphaPatriot says he can't vote for Mitt Romney or John McCain and is scared by the idea of Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama getting into office. Whatever on Earth is this poor guy going to do if either of them is elected you might ask?
"I decided right then and there that if either one of them is elected then I'm joining a militia to prepare for the coming disintegration of the Union. In fact, if I can't find a militia then I'm going to start one. Buy a few hundred acres of Tennessee wilderness and go practice war and survival," he psychotically said in his blog.
Umm, uh, yeah. That would be called joining or starting a CULT. And we all know what happens to people who start cults. For examples, see David Koresh and Charles Manson. One dead and the other locked in the criminal looney bin, the nut hatch, "Nanna's Change Purse."
This guy needs to get out and get himself a hobby before he ends up in a Mexican Stand-off with the Federal government he proclaims to love so much.

Whitehaven and Others

After reading the Memphis blog, Bring Back Whitehaven, I have to say that I agree 200%. Though I have never been to Graceland myself, there is absolutely no denying the magnitude of its drawing power on tourists, especially fans of The King. It is somewhat embarrassing to have people come from out of town and from other countries to visit a landmark like Graceland and see the blighted areas leading up to it. It must make them think to themselves, "damn, if this is how they treat Graceland, then it must be how they treat ALL of their landmarks. Why even bother going to see them if we can just expect more trash and blight when we get there.

Though I agree with the plight of Whitehaven's blight, there are many other areas withing the city of Memphis that are slowly decaying and creating havens for criminals to carry out their dastardly deeds. Revitalization of Downtown Memphis is nearly complete, but the city's leaders need to shift their focus from that, once completed, to the other areas of Memphis that look post-apocolyptic.

The plan to improve Whitehaven is a very good one. And it can be expanded to other areas as well. One key factor that can help this plan along would be to have more police patrolling the streets to keep crime away and impose stiffer penalties on criminals for the crimes they commit. I think we have been taking it too easy on those who commit crimes, allowing them to go free later and just commit more crimes. This has got to stop somewhere or we will stop having decent places to live in this city and the Federal government will have to bomb this city and start from scratch.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Aaron's Story (Part Three)

So, after we chatted on the phone for over two hours, Aaron and I finally got around to setting up an actual date. My God, I hadn't been on an actual date in forever. I had gone out with a couple guys here and there, but it just didn't feel serious. The big night for me had finally arrived and I was very nervous at first. I had all kinds of silly thoughts running through my head: What if he doesn't laugh at my jokes ? What if I can't carry on an intellectual conversation on his level? What if he is incredibly dull after those first two hours? By this point in my life I was already sporting the shaved head or I would have freaked out about my hair. I found my sexiest outfit and put on just the right amount of cologne (if you want to choke an entire herd of water buffalo).
He picked me up from my apartment and surprised me by taking me to dinner at The Pier, only my most favorite seafood restaurant in Memphis. We ate dinner and then he pulled out two tickets to a show at the Orpheum Theatre that I had wanted to see. I was speechless once again and attributed his knowledge of my favorite restaurant and interest in this play to a little spy named Andrea.
After the show, we went to Beale Street to have a couple drinks and listen to some bands play. Then, he took me home and right there on my doorstep, he kissed me for the first time and I felt that same spark that I did when he touched my hand. "He's a keeper," I thought to myself. I went inside and called Andrea, as promised, and we talked for three hours on the phone. I gushed about Aaron for two hours and forty-five minutes. What could I say? I was in love with this boy. (To Be Continued)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Health Care Brainstorm

Health care in this country is in an alarming state of affairs. Millions upon millions of people are without some form of health care. Either they can't afford it through their employer, they get turned down by "guaranteed" organizations like Medicare or Medicaid, or they are simply unemployed. Health care costs from other independent companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee are even too high in most cases. Television is littered badly with commercials about inexpensive life insurance for people 50 to 85. Two major problems with that; the first problem is that you are excluded if you are younger than 50 and older than 85. The second major concern being that life insurance is ONLY helpful if you die!
If someone has health insurance, doctor visits and prescription costs are lowered, but if you are unlucky enough to have no health coverage, lower to middle income families and individuals can barely cover the cost of the doctor visit, let alont the cost of any outrageously overpriced prescriptions you might need to become well again. It is a vicious cycle: You can't go to work because you are sick, and you can't pay for the medication you need to get well because you can't go to work.
This country is well in a position to STOP all of these problems by providing free health care across the board to everyone. The only thing stopping the U.S. from doing so is its own capitalistic greed. Insurance companies want to get paid. Pharmaceutical companies want to get paid. Doctors want to get paid. With everyone wanting to get their slice of the pie, no one seems to give a damn about those who are sick and dying simply because they don't have enough money to get the care they need.
Then, there are the unemployed. The poor and middle class that are employed can at least maybe pay for a doctor visit, but the unemployed can not even pay for that. And it is a very good bet that they are not getting the prescriptions they need to take care of themselves. Damn shame this country can't provide free health care.

Aaron's Story (Part Two)

Aaron excused himself after somewhat accepting my rejection. I didn't tell him I was speechless. I mean, I was actually speechless over what i had felt. I sometimes tell people that that was the precise moment that part of his lifeforce, or soul, or whatever you call it, entered me. Damn it!! He was all I could think about. During that following week, a couple guys asked me to go out to dinner with them and i found myself coming up with flimsy excuses not to go. To be honest, I didn't want to go out with those guys. I wanted to see Aaron. I must have started to ask Andrea to call Aaron for me about a dozen times, but didn't. How could I bring myself to ask her for this after so definitively shooting down her efforts just a week earlier? Amazingly, I ran into him just two weeks later at the grocery store of all places. We chatted for a few minutes in the produce department and I saw him again in the frozen food aisle. I started to ask him for his phone number but a little bit of nervousness prevented me from doing so. I think he sensed my nervous feeling and acted himself. When I got back out to my car, I saw a business card had been placed under my windshield wiper. Turning it over, I noticed it was Aaron's business card. At the bottom of the card, was his home phone number written in along with the words, "Call me Stud!" I blushed a bit and drove right home, almost running a red light and hitting a guy on his bicycle(for which I profusely apologized to the guy for). I called him and we chatted for a little over two hours. (To Be Continued)

Aaron's Story (Part One)

I wouldn't say that I met Aaron Richardson by accident exactly. About eight years ago, my best gal pal, Andrea, decided to throw herself a huge 21st birthday party. She knew Aaron for about 6 months before I did. They had become friends at work she thought that we would make a cute couple. If there was anything Andrea LOVED to to it was to play Cupid. Most of the time, unfortunately, her matches ended in a break-up as soon as the newness had worn off. I love her for her indomitable will and endless perseverance. She could often be heard saying, in defense of her terrible matchmaking track record, "I shall NEVER surrender!!"
Anyway, she threw herself this huge party and invited what seemed to be the entire city of Memphis. I had only met Aaron briefly before one night when he, Andrea and a few other people were going out. She and Aaron came over to my apartment to borrow some CD's and off they went. Of course, she invited Aaron to this partyand it was there that she unveiled her diabolical plot to fix he and I up. Having observed her success rate with these situations, I was adamantly opposed to becoming just another statistic. Now, because i am not a complete asshole, I pulled aron to the side and apologized. I explained Andrea's success rate to him and told him he was probably a nice guy but that I didn't think or even know if it could work. He smiled, said that he understood and placed his hand on top of mine for only a moment. But that moment felt like an eternity. It was at that moment I felt that "spark" that I had heard about so many times but had never experienced myself. (To Be Continued)